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  • poule and poulette

    Outcome & Benefits

    • Reduced time spent on onboarding and faster onboarding of resources within restaurants.

    • Completion time of onboarding processes reduced to a couple of days.

    • Training courses have become a lot easier to follow up on also for the management.

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  • Timberland Photo by Clem Onojeghuo

    Outcome & Benefits

    • After increasing the ability to access content, Timberland experienced a 70% increase in conversions and positive comparable store sales in most countries.

    • Each store and market has relevant learning content to create storytelling sales associates with an agile and engaged workforce.

    • Omnichannel retail strategy shifts to a hybrid model (distribution, e-commerce, showroom) with microlearning for improved customer engagement.

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  • Vans Photo by Harry Hundal

    Outcome & Benefits

    • Teams no longer need to spend hours on old-school training with our mobile-first approach.

    • As the brand experienced a consistent growth in conversion rate, 85% of store associates successfully completed their onboarding paths.

    • The role-specific content allowed the customer-facing employees to access necessary resources, optimising performance and teamwork in the shop.

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poule and poulette

Poule & Poulette’s Challenges

  • Coping with staff shortages.

  • Keeping staff involved and motivated, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic.

Our Support and Solutions

  • Reduced time spent on onboarding and faster onboarding of resources within restaurants.

  • Completion time of onboarding processes reduced to a couple of days.

  • Make the onboarding process more effective and engaging by providing all the necessary information within one app.

Outcome & Benefits

  • Reduced time spent on onboarding and faster onboarding of resources within restaurants.

  • Completion time of onboarding processes reduced to a couple of days.

  • Training courses have become a lot easier to follow up on also for the management.

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Proximus’s Challenges

  • Proximus aimed to revamp their training program to increase personalization, efficiency, and relevance for their diverse workforce.

  • To enhance participation and monitoring, it was necessary to digitize their strong coaching approach.

Our Support and Solutions

  • We replaced expensive trainings with mobile, introduced Microlearning format to their skill set and co-created a bespoke coaching tool.

Outcome & Benefits

  • MobieTrain’s platform has been widely adopted with an impressive adoption rate of 93%. The company’s customer-facing teams have been highly satisfied with the platform, giving it a satisfaction score of 80%.

  • Employees who used MobieTrain scored 20% higher in module test.

  • Proximus’s teams have had great success with the MobieTrain app, with an impressive 82% engagement rate and 80% completion rate for learning paths.

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Timberland Photo by Clem Onojeghuo

Timberland’s Challenges

  • After temporarily closing due to COVID-19, reopening Timberland stores presented challenges in business continuity, staff management, and ensuring quality customer service.

Our Support and Solutions

  • As a way to align all remote employees, ‘Getting Back to Better’ became Timberland’s mantra. Together, we created 4 distinct learning tracks.

Outcome & Benefits

  • After increasing the ability to access content, Timberland experienced a 70% increase in conversions and positive comparable store sales in most countries.

  • Each store and market has relevant learning content to create storytelling sales associates with an agile and engaged workforce.

  • Omnichannel retail strategy shifts to a hybrid model (distribution, e-commerce, showroom) with microlearning for improved customer engagement.

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Vans Photo by Harry Hundal

VANS’ Challenges

  • VANS previously relied on store managers to train teams, resulting in inconsistent training across the company. Their training materials quickly became outdated, making it difficult to measure results.

Our Support and Solutions

  • We collaborated closely with store managers to create engaging and effective Learning and Onboarding Paths.

Outcome & Benefits

  • Teams no longer need to spend hours on old-school training with our mobile-first approach.

  • As the brand experienced a consistent growth in conversion rate, 85% of store associates successfully completed their onboarding paths.

  • The role-specific content allowed the customer-facing employees to access necessary resources, optimising performance and teamwork in the shop.

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lievità restaurant chain

Lievità’s Challenges

  • Simplify the onboarding process by streamlining communication between management and employees for more effective induction of new resources.

  • Increase the employees’ engagement and motivation, improve the sense of belonging and reduce turnover.

Our Support and Solutions

  • Together with the Lievità team, we created new paths to simplify and make the onboarding process engaging and streamline communication and information sharing even with senior staff.

  • Thanks to microlearning and gamification, we enabled access to the courses at any time, optimising training time and costs.

Outcome & Benefits

  • Employees are involved, motivated and enabled to provide the best customer experience.

  • Employees can access content at any time, reducing onboarding time and costs.

  • The onboarding of new resources into the restaurants is handled immediately and effectively.

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mobietrain app

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  • Case studies, observers, eBooks, events and initiatives, and so much more are all at your fingertips to help you enhance your employer experience and create an unforgettable customer experience. Discover free resources to improve your employer and customer experience. Get inspired and enhance your business success today! Click the button to discover them all.

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  • Download and read our customer stories and access our clients’ best practices.

  • Stay updated with our report and white paper on restaurant chains’ future challenges and more.

  • Discover how to educate, enable and engage your team in a successful way with our framework.

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    Sales & Customer Experience

    Are you looking to grow your revenue and improve customer satisfaction simultaneously? Look no further! MobieTrain provides relevant training and real-time information to elevate your sales and customer service teams to new heights. Deliver unforgettable experiences – time after time.

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  • productivity


    Time is valuable, and we help you save time and money. Reduce onboarding time by an astonishing 50% and minimise operational errors by 30%. Help your teams to work more efficiently and make every minute count. Increased productivity will lead to greater profitability and higher customer satisfaction.

    Learn from the Best
  • Onboarding

    Welcome new team members with open arms and a streamlined and efficient onboarding process. MobieTrain takes care of your customer-facing employees’ pre-and onboarding efficiently and consistently. Ensure your new hires are fully prepared to shine from day one.

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  • Employee Engagement

    MobieTrain allows your teams to connect, communicate, and collaborate seamlessly. Create a workplace where employees feel valued and foster a sense of belonging – boosting employee retention by an impressive 30%.

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  • Compliance

    It’s crucial to keep up with ever-changing regulations. Our platform lets you easily access the latest company-specific information and procedures, ensuring everyone is on the same page. Minimises the risk of costly errors, leading to operational excellence.

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    Change Management

    With MobieTrain by your side, embracing change and implementing new strategies becomes easy and efficient. We help to educate, enable, and engage your teams during times of change, leading to smoother and more effective transitions.

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